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Board Meeting

Board Minutes 

Lone Cone Library District Board Meeting Minutes
March 13, 2023
The regular meeting of the Library District Board was held in person and via Zoom on March 13, 2023 at
6:30 pm and called to order at 6:33 pm.
Attendees: Kerry Bentler, Emily Haight, Henry Lester, Kattie Neesham, Laurel Henderson, Carrie Andrew,
and Kendal Smith. Rhonda Oliver, Kieran Hixon (state library), Sharon Morris (state library), Money
Ragsdale, Beth Dauer(attorney), Trish Davis, Simon Andrew, and Candy Meehan joined via zoom. Bob
McKeever was absent.

Approval of the Agenda
A motion was made by Emily Haight to approve the agenda. Kerry Bentler seconded the approval. Vote to
accept: All Aye.

Minutes were reviewed prior to the meeting by Kerry Bentler. Motion of approval made by Kerry Bentler.
Second made by Emily Haight. Vote to approve: All Aye.

Public Comment
No public comment.

Public Hearing Regarding Violation of Board Bylaws and Consideration of Removal of Trustee – Lester
Public Hearing was officially opened at 6:40pm by Beth Dauer, attorney from Seter & Vander Wall in
which the bylaws were publicly read. The case for removal by Carrie Andrew was presented to the board
as well as the documentation of emails sent by Henry Lester. After much discussion about the causes of
frustration and infraction of poorly representing the library to our partner CLiC by Lester as well as
Lester’s testimony with explanation and defense for his actions, Henry Lester chose to step down from the
board. The Public Hearing was closed by Beth at 7:55pm.

Monthly Budget Review
Budget was reviewed, note that the net income percentage was incorrect due to a computer error.
Motion of approval made by Kerry Bentler. Second made by Emily Haight. Vote to approve: All Aye.

Director’s Report
Reviewed individually. Determined that they would like to see the comparison line graph quarterly and
continue to review the Library Stats as they are currently presented monthly.

Board Member Reports
Discussed Meeting Norms and presented a list of best practice guidelines. Nominated Kerry Bentler as
the TimeKeeper with intent to help keep the meeting moving forward on task.
Strategic Planning – Board agreed to read through the answers to the questionnaire outside of the
meeting time to synthesize the responses to find common trends, broad scope goals and to remove what
they feel are operational requests.

Unfinished Business – Grounds Design
Still pursuing RFP examples for Landscape architects of similar projects.

New Business / Additional Board Items – None

Adjournment at 8:31pm. A motion to adjourn was made by Kerry Bentler. Seconded by Kattie Neesham.
Vote to accept: All aye.

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