Ongoing Programs

Get involved with your Community Library by participating in one of our Public Programs.
We are happy to provide diverse programs for all interests and ages.
Take a look at some of our current, on-going programs here. Be sure to check back and stay tuned as we continue to expand our program offerings. We are partnering with outside organizations to bring you more program opportunities to the Norwood area. For a complete schedule of our available programs check out our monthly calendar linked below.
Check back for more details!

Join us on Saturday afternoons at 2:00pm for Chess Club - all ages and skills levels welcome!
Storytimes and activities for children ages birth to 6 will be on Fridays at 10:30 am. Lunches are available for all kids ages 0-18. Older siblings are welcome to attend.
Tuesdays after school. Program ends at 5:30, parents/guradians are responsible for transportation to and from the program. You can pick up registration forms from the library or the school.
On Fridays that school isn't in session, we host our Friday STEAM Club, and on occasion we partner with the Pinhead Institute for extra fun and learning!
This is on Fridays at 12:30pm-1:30pm
Registration is required, please register by inquiring at the front desk or emailing
We are pleased to offer a variety of regular scheduled wellness classes that are available weekly. Join your fellow community members as we gather at the library for some fun that’s good for the mind and body.

One on one computer assistance is offered at request, depending on staff availability. Computer classes are offered at various times throughout the year.
6:30 pm the third Monday of each month. Meetings are currently being held in a hybrid model of in-person and on Zoom. Monthly agendas are available under District Information the Friday before each meeting.

Lunches are available to all youth ages 0-18 each Friday. Gluten free options are avaliable.
Appreciation to Blue Grouse Bread, Just For Kids Foundation, FRESH Foundation, and Lone Cone Legacy Trust for making this possible.