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Board Meeting


    Lone Cone Library District Board Meeting Agenda 

    May 8, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. 

    1455 Pinion St. 

    Open to the Public 

    In Person and Virtual Meeting via Zoom 

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    Meeting ID: 309 645 4703 

    Passcode: 951356 

    6:30PM Board Meeting

    1. Call to Order ( 1 min.)
    2. Approval of Agenda (5 min) (Action Needed)
    3. Minutes (5 min) (Action Needed)
    4. Public Comment (5 min)
    5. Monthly Budget (10 min) (Action Needed)
      1. Balance Sheet 
      2. Budget to Actuals 
    6. Director’s Report/Monthly Reports-Q & A (15 min)
    7. Board Items
    8. Unfinished Business
      1. Strategic planning – Update from Laurel (20 min)
        1. Determine Next Steps – Establish timeline for creating the plan (Action Needed). 
      2. Update on Grounds Design (20 min) 
    9. New Business
      1. Discussion: Month Off & Date of next meeting (Action Needed)
    10. Additional Board Items 
    11. Adjournment
    Board Minutes 

    Lone Cone Library District Board Meeting Minutes

    May 8, 2023The regular meeting of the Library District Board was held in person and via Zoom on May 8th, 2023 at 6:30 pm and called to order at 6:36 pm.  

    Attendees: Kerry Bentler, Emily Haight, Laurel Henderson, Bob McKeever, Carrie Andrew, and Kendal Smith. Rhonda Oliver joined via zoom. Kattie Neesham was absent.

    Approval of the Agenda  

    Motion to approve the agenda was made by Emily Haight, a second byBob McKeever. Vote to approve: All Aye


    Minutes were reviewed prior to the meeting by Kerry Bentler. Motion of approval made by Kerry Bentler. Second made by Bob McKeever. Vote to approve: All Aye. 

    Public Comment 

    No public comment.

    Monthly Budget Review  

    Spent remaining amount of the USDA grant on equipment/supplies for the multipurpose rooms. Delinquent tax line for 2021 is actually the taxes for 2020. We have not received any of the 2021 yet, still owed around $80,000 for 2021 and 2022.  

    Staff wages are just a bit under the projected amount which is great because the hours typically increase during the summer. We have a really solid staff team right now with new members starting to develop their skill sets. 

    Motion to approve the budget was made by Kerry Bentler, a second byEmily Haight. Vote to approve: All Aye

    Director’s Report  

    Program pie-graph: Discussed the teen attendance numbers. It was very minimal in previous years and now is really starting to grow. D&D was really the kickstarter. Continues to be a goal and is growing. Carrie is meeting with new staff from True North this week.  

    Grants – won $10,000 towards an ADA grant from ALA. Will have a community meeting about what they want. Also submitted a grant for solar on the library to EBSCO for $145,000 and one to support a free hot lunch served at the library one day a week during the summer in partnership with FRESH.

    Found out we do not need an RFQ/RFP for the architect, just the contractor. Waiting on a proposal to be sent back from a recommended architect, Shanen, then will call a special meeting to review it. Will use the conceptual designs from the students as a starting point. The board would like to see cohesive planning with the Town and school so the public spaces compliment each other. This phase will be considered the “Master Plan.” Will do an in person public meeting to allow for public comment. DOLA planning grant of $25,000 available for this phase so long as remains under $100,000.

    Property Taxes increase is a concern for the library for which Carrie is paying close attention to the legislation to see how it will impact the library’s tax revenue. Projected impact is hard to predict at this point but with the new bill that is likely to be on the ballot in the fall, the library will see a slight decrease in revenue in the following year (combined with the lack of tax payments by oil & gas). 

    Board Member Reports 


    Unfinished Business 

    Laurel read the list of primary goals of the board from the questionnaire with some timelines. Discussed the community survey with a suggestion to target only the new patrons within the last 2 years. Next step: wait on the grounds design proposal and Carrie will incorporate those into the annual report. 

    New Business / Additional Board Items

    A motion was made by Kerry Bentler to take the June Board Meeting off with the option of special meeting for the grounds design proposal. Second was made by Emily Haight, Vote to skip the meeting: All Aye. 

    Next scheduled board meeting date: July 10th, 2023. 


    Adjournment at 8:15 pm. A motion to adjourn was made by Emily Haight. Seconded by Bob McKeever. Vote to accept: All aye. 

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