How You Can Support the Library
Ever wonder how you can support the library? No matter your resources or abilities, everyone can.
1. Use it! Get a library card, check out items, hang around and read a book, work on a computer, or simply chat with a friend. There are so many ways to use the library beyond the traditional checking out of physical books, though we do love books.

2. Donate - Time, Money, or Items. While donations are never expected, we greatly appreciate them as they enable us to better serve the community. There are many ways you can contribute beyond financial support. Consider volunteering your time, sharing your skills and expertise by teaching a class, or donating gently used items to help grow our library’s collection. If you’re curious about the different ways you can give, please give us a call. For those interested in making a financial contribution, click here to be directed to the donation page. If you would like to consider donating your time, please click here to be directed to the volunteer information page!
We also gladly accept donated items to add to our collection. Please click here for the process on donating gently used items.
3. Attend library programs. There are few things we love more than hosting a program and having the community show up and participate. There are a wide variety of programs that are offered, from Storytime, to game nights, to cooking classes, to yoga, to craft and trade classes.
4. Tell your friends, family, and everyone else you meet, about us. Be a vocal advocate of the library to those you interact with. Point newcomers to the area in our direction, we always love meeting and helping new neighbors.
5. Share our posts and comment on them. While you are scrolling through Facebook and/or Instagram, just hit that like button. Social media is a huge part of how we reach people and let them know about what we have to offer. The more interactions there are with a post, the more people will see it.
6. Be an informed voter. Every now and then the library goes to the ballot or is impacted by issues in an election. Stay informed of how your vote may help or hurt the library. And, if you feel so inclined, contact your local representatives and be an advocate for your library.
7. Give us constructive feedback. We love to hear when the library is meeting someone’s needs or surpassing their expectations, but we also want to hear when we aren’t. We are constantly striving to improve, and feedback from the community is a vital part of that process. How do you think a program could be improved to better meet your needs? Is there something the library could offer that you think would be great for the community? Let us know! We would love to talk to you and learn more about it! Click here for our contact us page.
Like we said, there are many different ways you can support the library and libraries in general. You probably found a couple things you are already doing! Whether or not you visit us everyday or just keep tabs on us from across the world, we ask you to consider supporting your local library.